Plus ça change, plus c’est le meme.

My friend tagged me with this little meme. It’s my first time tagged so I thought I’d be a good sport. Here are the rules:

  • Each player tagged must blog 6 weird things about herself or himself, plus state this rule
  • Each participant must choose 6 people, list their names and send them a message such as ‘you are tagged, see the instructions on my blog’ so that they can spread their weirdness across the blogosphere like a virus… Pass the tissues.

Six Weird Things About Me

  1. In a world of proud eccentrics, I try to be as normal as possible.
  2. I love to teach and to write, yet I am not always a great communicator.
  3. I live in a messy house and adore having unstructured free time, but I also need order, plans and deadlines.
  4. I write a blog that is not mainly about myself, my family, my friends, my politics, my work, my faith or my feelings.
  5. I have lived in Quebec (Trois-Pistoles) and France (Aix-en-Provence and also Labenne, near Bayonne) but I would rather live in Scarborough.
  6. During my sabbatical, instead of slowing down and enjoying the break, I keep starting new projects — often many at once.

Postmodern Sass has already done a similar meme and her responses are very revealing. Check them out at:

Great, that means I only need 5 more…

The tagged:



A Reader’s Journal

Anocturne at Booklogging

Paperback Writer

A list like this really requires a question related to books but like I said, I’m trying to be a good sport. I wonder if anyone will reply at such a busy time of the year?

5 thoughts on “Plus ça change, plus c’est le meme.”

  1. Great meme, cereal girl and thanks for tagging me but bookfool tagged me for the same meme about a week or so ago – as you can see I still haven’t got around to doing it! 🙁

  2. Oh, I’m so far behind on reading blogs and writing my posts and making comments. So glad I made it here and saw that you tagged me. I’ll let you know when I get my meme posted.

  3. am finished, finally. thanks for sending it out. sometimes, one is so strapped for ideas and so far behind on the reading and writing that this comes in as a whiff of fresh air.

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